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NHL Rumors: San Jose Sharks, and the New York Rangers

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San Jose Sharks GM Mike Grier has to do what he can, however the league may very well be watching him and the Rangers

Sportsnet: Elliotte Friedman and Jeff Marek on the 32 Ideas: The Podcast – They Actually Did It … episode on the San Jose Sharks and the way gamers like Cam Atkinson don’t wish to play for them and the way Barclay Goodrow was acquired.

** transcription

Friedman: “… Mike Grier is to, his job is to run his group as he sees match. His job is to construct a staff round (William) Eklund, and Will Smith, and (Maklin) Celebrini, and perhaps Mark Giordano to. Nonetheless trying to play, be, as you mentioned, may very well be an ideal Shark.

And one of many issues that occurred to is that Grier, he is aware of, like there’s. like there’s been stories about Atkinson, Cam Atkinson, not, not permitting a commerce to San Jose. Like, Mike Grier, he’s bought to in some unspecified time in the future in time, you must rise up on your franchise and say, ‘You already know what, I’ve a possibility to get this participant, I’m getting this participant. I’ve to do it for my younger gamers and I’ve to do it for the imaginative and prescient of this group. I’ve to do what’s finest for the Sharks.’

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I perceive that. I simply suppose (Barclay) Goodrow would have most popular extra of a heads up that this was a chance.

Now, I’ll say this one staff did inform me that they will marvel, you keep in mind you advised the story on the final pod concerning the NHL and that complete (Todd) Marchant for (Sergei) Fedorov commerce and …”

Marek: “Oh boy. Yeah.”

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Friedman: “… league kinda seemed into it …”

Marek: “Columbus, Anaheim.”

Friedman: “Yeah. Like we wish to make sure that there’s nothing fishy right here. One staff did inform me that they’ll be curious to see if there’s any trades Between the Sharks and, and the Rangers. As a result of you recognize, they did get round his no-trade clause, proper? And he did say that’s one thing each the union and the league and due to this fact the league can be on prime of.

However you recognize, like I mentioned, it was, it was a troublesome it was a troublesome factor for Goodrow to undergo. You needed extra of a heads up however I feel in the long term, it’s all going to kind itself out. Like, like I mentioned, he’s a professional, and you recognize, it’s good cash.

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You already know, I had lots of people sending me the Mad Males GIF of Don Draper yelling at Elisabeth Moss, ‘that’s what the cash is for.’ It’s truly one in every of my favourite scenes ever, in any TV present or film anyplace. And I feel we’ll finally get to that, however within the second, I can perceive Goodrow’s emotion. I feel it got here as an actual shock to him.”


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